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Make this cute ‘Happy St Patrick’s’ Day bunting to hang in your house, in your office, or in your classroom. Learn how to make this banner in this tutorial, using my free printable. It’s so easy to make that even the kids can get active in crafting the perfect St. Patrick’s Day decoration!
I love the fun that comes with St. Patrick’s Day. Everyone is laughing and looking for leprechauns. And along with all that fun is the joy of St. Patrick’s Day decorations. This year I created bunting for our house and decided to share it here with you, so you can make your own.
Ready to get cutting, pasting and hanging? Then let’s get started!
Click on the picture below for an immediate download of my FREE Happy St Patricks Day bunting!
Materials to make the Happy St. Patrick’s Day bunting
-> Scissors
-> Glue (any cheap paper glue will do)
-> String or green wool
-> My free Happy St. Patrick’s Day file
STEP 1: Get my free Happy St. Patrick’s bunting design
Sign up at the end of this post to get the password to my free resource library, where you’ll find this St. Patrick’s Day decoration to make and many other coloring pages, templates and checklists.
Here’s what the first two pages of the PDF file will look like when you download it:
There are five pages in total. Be sure to download and print all five pages for this St. Patrick’s Day activity.
These pages can be printed on US letter size or A4 paper in portrait format. Please be sure to check ‘Fit to size’ in your printer settings so that the printer adjusts the picture to fit onto your paper.
STEP 2: Cut the bunting flags from the design file
Cut out each flag with a letter.
There are dotted lines to show you where to cut.
Here’s what a flag looks like once it’s been cut out:
At the end of cutting, you will have 15 flags in total:
STEP 3: Fold all the flags along the top green line
Fold each flag just above the top green line, which is the line above the letter, like this:
STEP 4: Arrange the flags into word piles
I find it easiest to keep the words together, so I cut out the flags and then arrange them in the words they spell out. I place each letter in order, one on top of each other like this:
STEP 5: Glue the first flag onto the string
It’s time to glue your first flag onto the string or wool. I chose green wool to keep the St. Patrick’s Day theme of green.
Be sure to leave quite a bit of string to hang your St. Patrick’s day bunting – you can always cut and trim it later if it’s too long.
Put glue onto the folded flap, where the glue is lying in this picture:
Now place the string neatly along the fold of the first flag, the flag with the letter H on it.
Fold the flap over and run your fingers over it, to glue it securely to the string. It will look like this:
STEP 6: Measure a space between your flags
Now use something to measure a small space on the string before gluing your next flag to it.
I used a small measuring cup, but you can use whatever’s lying nearby or even two or three of your fingers.
By measuring the spaces you make sure you have nice evenly spaced flags on your bunting.
STEP 7: Space and glue the rest of your flags
Now you can measure out and glue the rest of your flags. Make very sure that you are pasting them in the right direction for the string – or you’ll end up with words that are backwards (yes, I did this).
I made ‘Happy’ on one line of string and ‘St Patricks’ on another line of string, so I can hang the bunting one of top of each other on the wall. You can do the same or glue all three words on one string to hang across the room.
I use two measuring cups to make a bigger space between the words ‘St’ and ‘Patricks’, to make it clear that these are separate words on the same string:
STEP 8: Cut the string at the end
Now cut the string.
The easiest way to do this is by putting the first letter on top of the last letter, then measuring the length of the string at the beginning with the string after the last letter. Cut the end of the string to make it about the same length as the part before the first letter.
Don’t worry if your string is very long – you can always trim it later once you hang it.
STEP 9: Hang your St. Patrick’s Day bunting
Now it’s time to hang your Happy St. Patrick’s Day bunting!
I stuck lucky shamrocks on the edges to finish it off and give it a personal touch.
Get my free Happy St. Patrick’s Day bunting file
Click on the picture below for an immediate download of my FREE Happy St Patricks Day bunting!