Being Smart With Money
Need to take control of your finances? Start here. Learn how to start a business or a side hustle for extra income, start a blog, excel at your career, or get a handle on your personal finances and savings.
Professional Resume Writers: How Much Do They Really Cost?
When it comes to looking for a job, I’ve learnt...
Where To Get Professional Help With Writing Your Resume
There are several professionals and services...
How to answer tell me about yourself
What's the first thing the interview is probably...
Becoming a social media influencer
Social media influencers are their own personal brand without a boss or a work schedule, and the sky’s the limit on where they take their brand. But how many followers …
How to ask any company to hire you with a Letter of Interest
How to write a letter of interest to a company you want to work for – even if they aren’t advertising. Get a sample template & the 4 parts that…
5-day Resume Star Challenge – Make your resume STAND OUT
Use this 5-day action plan to create a resume that really works and hiring managers will love. Find out how long your resume should be (according to the pros), what MUST be …
How to write a cover letter for job applications
Want to know how to write the best cover letter...
A Beautiful, One Page Resume Template For Word Has Arrived…
Looking for a job just got much easier...
Register a business name | Start A Business Roadmap
Find out if your business name is available, why you should register it, how much it costs to register a business name, and how you can get this done for free – only pay State fees.
Start the 52 Week Money Saving Challenge Today
It’s always a good time to start saving money. Use this free 52-week money saving challenge printable to easily save more than $1000 in the next 12 months. If you invest that money and follow the weekly savings plan, you’ll quickly enjoy a growing savings account and the compound interest on that money – so each month builds your savings and your passive income. It’s a win-win for you!
24 Easy Christmas Crafts To Make And Sell
Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is just around the corner! It’s time to decorate the tree, get the gift lists finalized and plan the big family party. But those all cost money, right? I’ve got you covered with these amazingly easy Christmas crafts that you can make and sell for extra cash. From ornaments to reusable gift bags, follow any of these simple step-by-step guides to make a profit and put some Christmas cheer in someone else’s home.
12 hobbies that make money, with little or no investment
Americans spend up to 6 hours a day on sport, leisure, personal interests and hobbies – and this time goes up over weekends. But did you know that your hobbies and interests can make you extra money? You can do many of them online or from home, and with little to no investment!
Social media image sizes: The best online cheat sheet of standard image sizes
Here’s a cheat sheet with all the LATEST standard social media image sizes for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube. It’s everything you need to design all your images using up to date trends for planning your branding and managing your marketing campaigns.
How much should you charge per hour as a blogger? Use this calculator to find out!
As a blogger, you want to make an income. But you might not know how to set your blogging rates. There are so many ways to price your products, books, courses and services, but they all rely on your knowledge of one thing – your minimum hourly rate. Just use this free calculator to determine your minimum and desired hourly blogging rate!
The best Facebook image sizes guide for bloggers
If you’re a blogger, you’re aware you need to connect with your readers on social media. Amazing Facebook images will help you get your message out there, but you’re probably not a designer who knows this ‘Facebook image size’ stuff out of your head. No problem! Here’s the Best Facebook Image Sizes Guide For Bloggers, plus an awesome checklist to get your Facebook business page and Facebook group up and running for your blog today.
How to link Facebook to Pinterest (quick, easy, free)
Did you know that you can link Facebook to Pinterest? I literally just found out! You can add a Pinterest tab to your Facebook page in minutes, showing all your Pinterest boards right there in Facebook. Then you have Faceterest, or is it Pinbook? No matter what it’s called, let me show you how to do it quickly, easily, and all for free.
How to optimize images to speed up your site
Ever hopped over to a website only to find it loads slooooooowly? What if this is happening on your blog? You can wave good-bye to 90% of your mobile visitors if they wait 5 seconds or more to see your content. And that’s straight from Google’s research mouth. Images can slow down your site. Don’t let that happen to you – it’s time to optimize images before visitors shut you down.
How To Get Out Of Debt With The Debt Snowball Method: 4 Steps To Payoff Debt in 2020
Credit card debt, car loans, student loan debt, personal loans, you name it – debt can lead to a lot of stress. Want to know how to manage and pay off all your debt? There is a solution: the debt snowball method. Here’s a free debt snowball worksheet to take you from drowning in debt to debt free in four easy steps. Plus, there’s a visual debt payment tracker to keep creatives motivated!
Chose the wrong career? Lucky you!
Today’s a hot topic – are you in the wrong career and thinking of a career change? Many of us are! I’m a blogger now, but blogs didn’t even exist when I was leaving school and deciding what to do with my life. I was 17 years old and apparently should have had it all […]